Tories Claim They Can Reverse ULEZ – Why Didn’t They?

Drivers Betrayed! I call BS!

I thought I was done talking about ULEZ, but here we are again. The Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in London has popped back into the news, and for good reason. With the UK general election just around the corner, electioneering is in full swing, and both major parties are making big promises. But the latest from the Conservatives has really caught my attention – and not in a good way.

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‘Anti-Motorist Policies Will Lose Elections!’ Simon Fawthrop, Councillor

Conservative councillor on why politicians need to heed the needs of motorists

In this podcast video, I speak to Simon Fawthrop, Conservative Councillor for Petts Wood & Knoll, Orpington, about where the situation with ULEZ currently stands, how anti-motorists and anit-car policies will lose elections, crime in London, why protests should be about policy not personality and the revelation that TFL is sending our data to Argentina, India and Israel! Fascinating discussion in the back of a famous Pink London Taxi which you can hire – just go to this Facebook Page:

Continue reading “‘Anti-Motorist Policies Will Lose Elections!’ Simon Fawthrop, Councillor”

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