Car Industry in Crisis

Electric Boom or Bust? What’s Really Going On?

In 35 years of covering the car industry, I’ve never seen such confusion and uncertainty as we’re experiencing now. Traditionally, when sitting down with car company executives, they’d be confident, thinking years ahead with clear plans. That’s no longer the case. Ask them about the future these days and you can see them struggling to resist an urge to shrug and fling their hands in the air in confusion. So what gives?

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China Buys Fleet of Ships for Massive Car Exports

What’s Next? | Domestic Market Saturated

In this video I explore how China is gearing up to dominate the global automotive market, shifting from local saturation to massive international exports. As Chinese manufacturers ramp up production and buy a fleet of ships, what implications will this have on global industries and economies? Join us as we analyse the strategic moves that could reshape the auto industry and discuss the environmental and economic impacts of this major shift.

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