Car Industry in Crisis

Electric Boom or Bust? What’s Really Going On?

In 35 years of covering the car industry, I’ve never seen such confusion and uncertainty as we’re experiencing now. Traditionally, when sitting down with car company executives, they’d be confident, thinking years ahead with clear plans. That’s no longer the case. Ask them about the future these days and you can see them struggling to resist an urge to shrug and fling their hands in the air in confusion. So what gives?

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Chinese Cars Hit with Up to 30% EU Tariff 

EV Prices to Rocket! What It Means for You!

Breaking news! The EU is set to impose hefty tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs), with rates potentially reaching up to 48%. This dramatic move combines new tariffs with existing ones and is set to take effect from the 4th of July. This decision stems from the EU’s ongoing concerns over heavy subsidies provided by the Chinese government to its EV manufacturers, which is seen as giving them an unfair advantage in the global market.

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